All posts by christian

Premier essai de l’Hydrovane

Dimanche la météo prévoyait un temps idéal pour ce premier essai. Il était prévu un vent du sud 10-15 noeuds et finalement ce fut un nord 6 noeuds. Bref, la météo avait tout faux mais cela n’a pas perturbé l’Hydrovane qui a bien dirigé le bateau avec ces 6 nœuds. Très bien par petit temps donc, et pour moi c’était relax.

Hydrovane first trial from Christian Lempereur on Vimeo.

Content que cela fonctionne, c’était une grosse intervention mais nécessaire pour la navigation solitaire.

Hydrovane – Work In Progress

The brackets are in place, the shaft has to move a bit upwards but overall it looks good. Roompot Marina Yacht Service did a good job.  The hardest part is done. The other steps will be performed on the water.

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Below the shaft has been moved upwards to leave 60 mm tube below the lower ‘H’ bracket. The minimum recommended is 50 mm so I’m safe. And the shaft is not in the water.


I used a cam cleat block to hold the rudder in place so that it won’t fall off the shaft. That leaves both hands free to insert the pin. The cam cleat block provides the peace of mind that the rudder will not come off the shaft while I’m busy inserting the pin.


And that’s the result, well almost, the remote control line still has to be fitted.

DSCN1889And an absolute must (also documented in the manual) re-tighten all bolts after first use! It is absolutely required!




J’ai trouvé sur, un logiciel opensource pour galleries photos. Ici je l’essaie sur
Il s’intègre très bien à WordPress via le pluggin PiwiMedia.

Un mot à propos de ce fier Trois-mâts de 109m de long, tout le monde aura reconnu MIR de l’Académie maritime de Saint-Pétersbourg. Je l’ai photographié ici au large d’Oostende.

SY Pitufa and Aukena

Browsing the web, I came across a photo of the island Aukena on the site
Sailors Birgit Hackl and Christian Feldbauer kindly allowed me to use their photo for my website.
I recommend their website to discover their adventures aboard their yacht SY Pitufa. You’ll find lots of pictures and they also give a lot of useful information and recommendations for sailors.

Thank you Birgit and Christian

Below the picture of the island Aukena which gave its name to my boat.
